My 6 month pregnant belly and I made our way to a class at The Dailey Method this morning. It's this fantastic 1 hour workout that combines ballet barre work, core conditioning and stretching. I used to do a similar exercise in San Francisco called The Bar Method. I did it for the year before I got married and I think I got in the best shape I've ever been. So when The Dailey Method opened up near my house, I just had to check it out. And I figured there's no time like the present, even if the present does include a baby belly! Got the okay from my OB and went on my way.

It felt so great to being doing this type of exercise again. So far in my pregnancy I've just been walking (and chasing after a toddler), but it felt wonderful to stretch and really use my muscles. I'm hooked again! I'm going to continue attending classes until it feels uncomfortable with my pregnancy. I'll let you know how it goes! In the meantime, check out The Dailey Method locations...and The Bar Method locations too! Both are amazing and can really transform your body.

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